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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:39    点击次数:114

在化妆品品牌花西子因为头部主播李佳琦不当言论陷入舆论风波之后,蜂花、活力28等诸多老牌国货产品却借此契机,让大家看到了自己的物美价廉,收获了“泼天富贵”。Traditional Chinese brands have recently made a strong comeback thanks to a livestreaming controversy over the quality of products and whether people were working hard enough to afford them.这个周末,双语君的朋友一见面就强推上海药皂的硫磺液体皂,她说比很多她用过的进口大牌贵价洗发水都好用。而上周,她已经买了近千元的国货护肤品和日用品,使用效果都很让她惊喜。“虽然老国货的包装和国际大牌产品比起来朴实无华,但是品质和性价比都没得说。我怎么早不知道这些牌子!”她十分激动地说,并塞给了我液体皂的试用装。由于不善于进行宣传、营销,一些国产品牌被贴上了“土”“低端”的标签。而如今,它们又一次站在了大众面前,让人们看到了国货品牌对质量的坚守和对消费者的初心。Chinese brands that have faded in popularity due to a lack of marketing and online presence seized the opportunity to show they could deliver value-for-money quality goods.9月9日在李佳琦的直播间,有网友吐槽花西子品牌价格,却遭李佳琦一番怒怼:“不要乱说,眉笔一直是79元,国货品牌很难的,有时候找找自己原因,这么多年了工资涨没涨,有没有认真工作?”Domestic brands were put under the spotlight after China's top online sales host Li Jiaqi questioned whether people had worked hard enough to get a pay rise, during a livestreaming session on Taobao Live, Alibaba's livestreaming platform, on Sept 9. A follower had earlier commented that a Chinese cosmetic brand's eyebrow pen and two refills priced at 79 yuan ($10.8) is too expensive.在此番言论引发大家不满后,成立于1985年的洗发水品牌蜂花率先凭借“79元产品套装”以及“79能在蜂花这里买到什么”等相关视频、互动,获得了首批大量关注。Bee & Flower, a shampoo brand founded in 1985 and once a household name in China, introduced a 79-yuan set of two large bottles of shampoo and a large bottle of hair conditioner, which quickly attracted people's attention.第三方平台数据显示,蜂花官方旗舰店抖音平台的粉丝数量在9月11日后开始暴增,单场直播销售额超2500万元。而9月15日,其单日粉丝暴增55.9万创历史最高。Feigua, a livestreaming sales data provider, said the number of followers of Bee & Flower's account on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, started to soar on Sept 11. On Friday, it had attracted a record 559,000 followers. Sales generated during one livestreaming session exceed 25 million yuan.同时,很多其他老牌国货品牌也开始向消费者展示自己的价值。不善于网络营销的老国货品牌,虽然打不过网红品牌,但是一直能做到质量稳定和价格实惠。Other Chinese brands also started to promote themselves on social media and asked people to give them a chance to prove themselves.靠三位对直播带货几乎一无所知的大叔主播圈粉无数的日化品牌活力28尤其受关注。活力28抖音平台的店铺9月13日才首次开播,面对镜头,三位在在工厂工作的大叔茫然不知所措,他们没有明亮的直播间,没有美颜,只有工厂的仓库。由于直播的大叔们不懂规则,还是网友自发在评论区开启教学模式,一步步教大叔操作,领着大叔们完成了直播。People showed particular interest in Super 28, a detergent brand founded in 1950. Three humble middle-aged factory employees of the company began a livestream on its official Douyin account on Wednesday. The trio wanted to seize the opportunity to revive the brand, but clearly knew little about selling products on social media. Viewers had to teach them how to list products during the livestreaming sessions.第三方平台数据显示,9月14日,活力28衣物清洁抖音旗舰店当日涨粉161.8万,并卖空了库存。大家都纷纷被这个成立于1950年品牌的真诚和物美价廉而打动。The next day, their sincerity and the quality of the company's products had helped the brand's Douyin account attract more than 1.61 million followers, with all available stock sold out on that day.图源:视觉中国很多老国货品牌在网民的一声声“原来这个品牌还在”、“原来这个品牌在抗日战争中捐过钱物”中销量猛涨。有人甚至提议开发一个专卖国货的app。Many netizens said they were surprised to see that some of the brands and products that were popular during their childhood still existed. Some brands gained further respect after followers learned that the parent companies had donated money and goods to help China win the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45).而就在周一“九一八事变爆发92周年纪念日”当天,蜂花、郁美净、鸿星尔克等众多知名国货品牌停止直播一天,提醒国人勿忘国耻,珍惜当下的幸福生活。同时,多家国货品牌还将抖音账号头像换成黑白色,以此向革命先烈致敬,这让大家又看到了他们作为民族企业的担当。Many of the brands, including Bee & Flower and Super 28, announced that they would not livestream on Monday, the 92nd anniversary of the September 18 Incident that marked the start of Japan's invasion of China. They also asked people to remember history and cherish peace.蜂花:“特殊原因,停播一天,爱我中华,吾辈自强。愿以寸心寄华夏,且将岁月赠山河。” 图源:网络郁美净:“勿忘国耻,警钟长鸣。9月18日,停播一天。” 图源:网络鸿星尔克:“粉丝宝宝们,克克今天停播一天,寸寸山河梦,昭昭赤子心。”图源:网络力克体育:“9·18是个特殊的日子,是每个中国人都不会忘记的历史,铭记历史,勿忘国耻,缅怀先辈,吾辈自强。” 图源:网络这一次,很多国货终于走上了互联网营销的快车道,而大众的善意、鼓励更成为他们重回消费市场的动力。大家都希望国货能越做越好,而不是昙花一现的情怀狂欢。记者:崔佳编辑:商桢

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